Drift Vector High Score Contest - NOW CLOSED

To be informed about future playtest sessions & high score competitions, please sign up here.
Drift Vector is a minimalist, glowing neon synthwave-inspired, indie, retro arcade asteroids-like game for 1-4 players with an unconventional control scheme that encourages ballet-like manoeuvres to line up the perfect shot while collecting powerups and avoiding rockets, opponents & other obstacles.
The game is at a very early stage of development but the current demo version includes a single-player (or local-co-op) Arcade mode as well as a local-multiplayer Versus mode.
I would like you to play the Arcade mode in single player, try to get to grips with the controls and try to achieve the highest score that you can before you get a Game Over.
This may take multiple attempts, but a single play-through once you've mastered the controls usually lasts no more than around 5 minutes.
There is an in-game "How to Play" screen detailing the controls for the game. You can use a gamepad or one of 4 sets of keyboard controls. I would recommend using the arrow keys if right-handed or WASD if left-handed. Once you have clicked on "Arcade" from the main menu, press any button from your chosen control set to join, you can then choose your ship & colour before marking yourself as "ready" to begin your high score attempt.
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With VideoGenres
Minutes Play Session5
Minutes Full GameplayThe reward for the Playtester
In-game credit for all playtesters who submit recorded video footage. $50 steam credit for whichever playtester manages to achieve the highest score in Arcade mode during their playtest session BEFORE midnight (GMT) on the 2nd October 2023. Note: you MUST achieve the high score during a video-recorded playtest session in order to be eligible.