Counter Clash Demo

Counter Clash is a fast-paced RTS about troop combos and counters.

The demo can be played on Steam:

It includes simplified city building, environmental hazards, and on release almost 30 distinct units divided over 3 unique factions, each with their own campaign.

Specifically, I’d like to get feedback on the UX; I’m working on a fix to smoothen the unit selection, but pathfinding can still give some problems now and then and units previously got stuck regularly (I hope this is mostly fixed now, but it’s hard for me to test).
Besides that I’d love to hear how you think the general experience was, mostly regarding game flow, visuals, difficulty, and performance.
Also, I’d like to know what you found most enjoyable/surprising or what feature you’re missing.

The Invitation link
You can contribute to this Play Session creating your own playtesting video recording:
Start a playtesting video recording


2D RTS Strategy Action RTS Fantasy


Minutes Play Session


Minutes Full Gameplay

The reward for the Playtester

I’ll give away Steam keys of the full game to valuable playtesters through the discord group: