The Wandering Spire: Run, Fight, Freeze, Endure - A 2D hack and slash with a fight or flight mechanic!

The Wandering Spire is an intense, atmospheric 2D hack-and-slash platformer where every encounter is a test of instinct and survival. The heart of it lies a unique fight-or-flight mechanic: when Safira takes too much damage or faces certain dangerous abilities, she triggers a response—fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. These moments make her both powerful and fragile. A charging strike from a massive flaming boar might trigger a fight response, which causes her to deal more damage, but making her prone to injury. Seeing an explosion might spark a flight response, causing her to run faster, but making her more exposed.
The story follows Safira, a runaway braving a relentless storm to escape a mysterious trauma she doesn’t dare speak about. Her journey leads to the Wandering Spire, a mystical tower filled with secrets, dangers, and the echoes of what happened to her. As she ascends, Safira will uncover the truth she’s been running from—and the strength to confront it. Will you guide her to ascension?
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Minutes Play Session90
Minutes Full GameplayThe reward for the Playtester
Your name will show up in the final credits and I’ll give out keys once the game is released or possibly in early access.