Summer on Tidewind - Version 0.0.2FF
Our game is a narrative action adventure following the story of Fiona, a young girl visiting the island of Tidewind to find out about her lost sister. In the final game, you will explore Tidewind, on foot, on bike, talk to the inhabitants and discover that this sleepy little community comes alive in mysterious ways during the Summer solstice. In this prototype, you can expect to see the island and its locations.
How to download and play the prototype:
- Download the zip file
- Unzip the file
- Open the folder and double click on the file named Tidewind.exe IMPORTANT: do not take the file out of the folder, just open it from inside the folder.
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With VideoGenres
Minutes Play Session30
Minutes Full GameplayThe reward for the Playtester
We will acknowledge our playtesters in the special thanks section of our game.