Use and for skip. and for seek. space for play/pause. a and s for change speed.

19 December, 2024 at 06:13 UTC
  • Duration: 50:22
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9
  • Dimensions: 1920x1080

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Final comment

Very fun to play, good level of difficulty. Graphics/environment/character design all phenomenal, love the atmosphere and world design.

I didn't encounter too many bugs, namely one where the mouse cursor would get stuck in the centre of the screen when popup messages appeared. This happened on windowed, borderless and fullscreen. There was also a very small bug where the lines and text would move slightly when clicking on the lines in the settings menu.

Performance-wise no issues except for one very small frame drop late into the recording, but that could've been my wallpaper changing or something on my end.

Animations were all fluid and graphically awesome (especially the finishers). Would recommend adjusting the dodges slightly as they kind of "teleport" you a little which is a bit jarring, but overall still a great system.

Loving the game and definitely looking forward to seeing how it progresses, even if I don't get very far because I'm not great at Soulslikes hahaha. GG team!