Use and for skip. and for seek. space for play/pause.

5 August, 2024 at 10:34 UTC
  • Duration: 24:31
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9
  • Dimensions: 1920x1080

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Final comment

Encountered Bugs:
---> options Menu does not safe my decisions
---> tutorial can't be open after restarting the game
---> obstacles Tab (unfinished mechanic?)

---> add more options (e.g. resolution, fullscreen, etc...)
---> more gameplay mechanics, the game is not very interesting currently
---> interactive tutorial (maybe a video)

Overall i didn't like the game.
Not because of the artstyle, sound effects or music , rather because of the lack of content and honestly bad game design.
I like the idea of the game, but it lacks depth. The mechanics are just too simple.
I couldn't find any strategies for winning and i didn't even need to. It felt like luck if I won the round or didn't.
I felt like i had almost no impact in the game, but maybe i didn't understand it fully.
But i still think with more development this game can become great!
These are my thoughs on this current state of the game, i hope it helps you make your game better!
Thank you for reading.